Meet The Owner

Hi friend, I'm Emma - dog mom to the name behind the brand, Loki.

The Loki Shop started in 2017 at my parents house in my last few years of college. I was designing, printing, and hand cutting personalized signs and selling them on Etsy.

Later, I expanded to mugs, ornaments, chenille patch bags, accessories, and apparel. Now I customize + curate all products out of my house and help other small businesses grow + do the same!

Most days you can find me in something cozy, drinking coffee while I fulfill orders and Loki whines for attention. When I'm not working I like to craft, do house projects, cook + bake, garden, read, and spend time with friends + family.

Recently, I've also really been enjoying creating a positive community for women + small business owners. If you choose to follow along, I hope it makes you feel welcomed, uplifted and inspired :)

♥ Emma

NEW! diy patch bags •
Follow us on Instagram @TheLokiGiftShop